


  1. About the Messages and Maria Divine Mercy
  2. Seal of the Living God
  3. Medal Mother of Salvation
  4. Messages, Seal, Prayers in other languages
  5. List Messages – The Book of Truth
  6. List Prayers – The Crusade of Prayer Book
  7. The Book of Truth in 1 page

About the Messages and Maria Divine Mercy

This website contains a series of messages given to an ordinary married Catholic woman from Ireland, Maria Divine Mercy (psudoname, given to her by Jesus), by the Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, on a daily basis since 09 November 2010. She has received over 1,250 public messages as well as a number of private ones, all of which are linked to the Second Coming of Christ.

The messages reveal God’s plan to a world in the days leading up to the Second Coming of Christ. The messages also contain prophecies, many of which took place as foretold to Maria, including the prediction of the resignation of Pope Benedict in advance – one year to the day beforehand.

Maria, who wishes to be anonymous, says that she had neither read the Bible nor had heard of the Second Coming, up to the time she received these messages. Although she had no knowledge of the Bible or religious matters in any great detail, the messages are littered with numerous biblical references, codes and secrets.

  • The prophesies and messages are contained in the Book of Truth, foretold in the Book of Daniel. Jesus told her that the messages were to be compiled and produced in a Book in volumes, and that it was to be called the Book of Truth.
  • God the Father, she explains, has given her ‘The Seal of the Living God’ Crusade Prayer (33) a prayer of protection against the antichrist also foretold in the Bible in the Book of Revelation
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary, revealed her last title on earth to Maria and wishes to be known, through this mission, as the Mother of Salvation. She asked that a special medal – the Medal of Salvation be struck for the conversion of every one who wears it.
  • The Catholic Church will be taken over by the enemies of God from within and this will lead to the greatest apostasy of all time
  • The world will witness the rise of Satanism and new age paganism but many will convert during an event which Jesus refers to as ‘The Warning’ when the world will come to a 15 minute standstill and where everyone will be shown their sins in the Eyes of God. This is a great gift to the world and many will be saved as a result of this event.
  • The Second Coming will herald the return of Christ to judge the living and the dead and a new ‘world without end’ – a new Paradise will be home to everyone who accepts God’s Hand of Mercy.

170 Crusade Prayers were also dictated to Maria Divine Mercy by God the Father, His beloved Son Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother of God, the Virgin Mary who has asked the world that she be known as the Mother of Salvation through these messages.

The messages and prayers are also available for download or you can buy at here.

As you read the messages and the prayers contained on this website please open your heart and pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you, illuminate your heart and impart the grace to discern the source of the words contained herein.

Seal of the Living God

You can download and print it. This must be blessed by a priest. Place it in your house or carrying with and read Crusade Prayer (33) everyday for protection against the antichrist also foretold in the Bible in the Book of Revelation.

Read more at:

Medal Mother of Salvation




“My Image is to be created and a Medal struck where, on one side, I am to be placed with the sun behind my head and where twelve stars woven into a crown of thorns sits on my head. On the reverse side of the Medal, I wish to depict the Sacred Heart of my Son with the Two Swords of Salvation, which are to be crossed on each side.” (Mother of Salvation The Medal of Salvation offers the Gift of Conversion)

The Blessed Virgin Mary, revealed her last title on earth to Maria and wishes to be known, through this mission, as the Mother of Salvation. She asked that a special medal – the Medal of Salvation be struck for the conversion of every one who wears it.

The Medal of Salvation is available for all countries at,

Related messages:

Messages, Seal, Prayers in other languages

Book of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy in above 50 languages include Seal of The Living God, Crusade Prayer

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